Blue Australorp Chickens: Origin, Characteristics, and More

Ever heard the saying, “once you go blue, you never go back?” While it might not be a common saying, it’s a sentiment that rings true for many Blue Australorp lovers like me. From the moment I set my eyes on these beautiful birds, I was smitten. But what makes Blue Australorp Chickens so special?

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History and Origins of the Blue Australorp

The story of the Blue Australorp Chickens begin with the Black Orpington chickens in England. During the late 19th century, William Cook, a renowned poultry breeder, developed the Black Orpington by crossing various breeds. He aimed to create a bird that was not only aesthetically appealing but also a proficient layer.

The Black Orpington quickly gained popularity for its striking appearance and exceptional egg-laying abilities. Its fame soon reached Australia, where local breeders began to take interest.

Australian Innovation: Creating the Australorp

When the Black Orpington was introduced to Australia, local breeders started experimenting with it. They crossed it with other local breeds, such as the Langshan, to improve its egg production even further. The result was a chicken that maintained the stunning black feathers of the Orpington but had even better egg-laying capabilities.

These Australian-bred chickens were initially known as “Australian Laying Orpingtons” but were later shortened to “Australorp” – a blend of “Australia” and “Orpington.”

The Arrival of the Blue Variant

So, how did the Blue Australorp come into being? It’s all about genetics!

The blue coloration in chickens is caused by a dilution gene that affects the black pigmentation. When two chickens with this gene are bred together, they can produce offspring in three different colors: black, blue, or splash (a combination of white and blue). The blue coloration is neither dominant nor recessive but behaves in an intermediate fashion.

By selectively breeding Australorps that carried this gene, breeders were able to establish the Blue Australorp as its own variant.

Recognition and Spread

The Blue Australorp was officially recognized as a breed in the early 20th century. Since then, it has spread to different parts of the world, loved by many for its tranquil blue hue, friendly temperament, and bountiful egg production.

Its history reflects a beautiful journey of human innovation, passion for poultry breeding, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. From the sophisticated parlors of England to the vast landscapes of Australia, the Blue Australorp stands as a testament to the ever-evolving relationship between humans and their feathered friends.

What Makes them Unique

When you gaze upon a farm or a backyard coop, amid the array of chickens, the Blue Australorp Chickens often stand out, drawing eyes towards them. But what is it about these birds that makes them so captivating?

Feather Color and Patterns

A Palette of the Skies and Seas: Their feather color is nothing short of enchanting. The deep blue, reminiscent of a cloudless night sky or the depths of a serene ocean, provides a visual treat. Unlike the stark monotones of many chicken breeds, the Blue Australorp’s plumage dances with varied shades of blue, creating a dynamic and ever-shifting palette.

Patterns That Mesmerize: While the primary attraction is their color, if you look closely, you’ll notice subtle patterns and variations in the way their feathers catch the light. This dynamic play of shades ensures that no two Blue Australorp Chickens look precisely the same.

Size and Build

Majestic Stature: These aren’t dainty birds; their average size coupled with their robust build gives them a regal and commanding presence. When a Blue Australorp struts around, it does so with confidence and majesty.

Built for Versatility: Their build isn’t just about looks. It ensures they are hearty and resilient, adaptable to various conditions, making them excellent choices for varied climates and environments.

Why Choose Blue Australorp Chickens

Temperament Matters: Apart from their striking appearance, Blue Australorp Chickens are known for their calm and friendly demeanor. They are less likely to engage in aggressive behaviors, making them ideal companions in mixed flocks.

Egg-cellent Layers: Their lineage and breeding mean they’re prolific egg layers. If you’re looking to get a steady supply of eggs, they’re a reliable bet.

Adaptable and Hardy: Whether you’re in a colder region or somewhere warmer, Blue Australorps adapt well. They’re hardy birds, resilient to many common poultry ailments.

Aesthetic Appeal: Let’s be honest; part of the joy of poultry keeping is the beauty of the birds. And with their unique coloration, Blue Australorp Chickens add a touch of elegance and beauty to any coop.

Great with Families: Their gentle nature means they’re excellent for families. Kids can interact with them without much worry, and they can be a great way to introduce young ones to the joys of poultry keeping.

In essence, the Blue Australorp isn’t just another bird. It’s a combination of aesthetic allure, functional excellence, and genial temperament, making it a prime choice for both beginner and veteran poultry keepers. If you’re considering expanding your flock or just starting out, the Blue Australorp is an option that promises delight and utility in equal measure.

Caring for Your Blue Australorps

These avian wonders are a joy to rear, but like all living creatures, they thrive best when their needs are met.

Dietary Needs and Tips

Balanced Diet – The Foundation: Just as we humans need a well-balanced diet to function at our best, so do Blue Australorps. Start with a high-quality commercial poultry feed that offers a mix of grains, seeds, and essential nutrients. This should be the backbone of their diet, ensuring they receive the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Protein Boost During Molting: Molting, the process where chickens shed old feathers and regrow new ones, can be taxing on their bodies. Boosting their protein intake during this period is a fantastic idea! Why? Because feathers are approximately 90% protein! Consider adding mealworms, black soldier fly larvae, or even scrambled eggs to their diet. You’ll notice they bounce back from molting much quicker!

Grit and Calcium: If you’re giving your Australorps any supplemental foods, ensure they have access to grit. This helps them digest more challenging foods. And for those delightful eggs? Make sure they have a steady supply of calcium, which you can provide through crushed oyster shells or even crushed eggshells.

Fresh Greens and Veggies: Blue Australorps, like most chickens, love foraging. Tossing them fresh leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits (in moderation) will not only keep them entertained but also ensure a varied and enriched diet.

Clean Water Always: This might sound like a no-brainer, but always ensure they have access to clean, fresh water. It aids digestion and keeps them hydrated, especially in warmer months.

Shelter and Protection

A Robust Coop: Think of their coop as their home – it needs to be sturdy, spacious, and safe. Each chicken should have enough roosting space, and laying hens should have access to nesting boxes. Ensure proper ventilation to keep air fresh but draft-free.

Read our article Comprehensive Guide to Building Chicken Coops for more information.

Protection from Predators: The beautiful blue hue of Australorps can unfortunately make them an attractive target for predators. Ensure the coop has a strong wire mesh (hardware cloth is best) that keeps out predators, from raccoons to hawks. Also, consider burying the mesh several inches into the ground to deter digging animals like foxes.

Regular Health Checks: Familiarize yourself with common chicken ailments. Regularly check your birds for signs of illness or parasites. A healthy chicken is active, with bright eyes and a red comb.

Safe Free Ranging: If you let your Australorps free-range, ensure it’s in a secure area. Consider using electric poultry netting or a chicken tractor, which allows them to forage while staying protected.

Weather Considerations: Blue Australorps are hardy, but they appreciate a dry, wind-free space during harsh weather. In summers, provide shade and possibly a shallow pan of water for them to wade and cool off.

In conclusion, while Blue Australorps are relatively low-maintenance, the key to their well-being lies in attention to detail. A balanced diet, secure shelter, and regular health checks are your tickets to a flock of happy, healthy birds. And remember, a little TLC goes a long way.


How long do Blue Australorps live? On average, with proper care, they can live up to 7-9 years.

Are they good for first-time chicken owners? Absolutely! Their docile nature makes them perfect for beginners.

How many eggs can I expect in a week? They lay approximately 5-7 eggs weekly.

What do I do if my Blue Australorp looks sick? Immediately consult a vet. Prevention is better than cure.

Can they co-exist with other chicken breeds? Yes, but always monitor interactions initially to ensure harmony.

Kate King

Kate King

My experiences in sustainable living aim to contribute positively to our environment and community. This shared wisdom fosters respect and love for nature, emphasizing our place in the broader ecological framework.

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